Friday, June 24, 2011

Casey O'Conor's, Mansfield, MA

219 Main St.
Mansfield, MA.

Oh wow, is this an Irish pub? Oh. Huh. Wouldn't know.

So this is an obvious townie location. It has all of its themed nights, Thursday being kareoke night. If you're under 21 and looking for a bar to hang, this place doesn't card nor charge a cover(unless of course some random comedian shows up and does an act). When you tell the waitstaff to surprise you, they do a pretty lousy job. Probably the worst Cape Cod I've ever had in my life.
The dude who runs the kareoke night looks like Joe Pesci if Joe Pesci decided to retire to Boca Raton. You have your regulars, drunks who can barely sing, northerners trying to sound southern, girls who try to use their sweet supple voices for songs that shouldnt sound like that, and then you have people just having plain fun (with the occasional person who really rocks the shit out of everything). Just don't do Journey songs. Local kareoke God, Andy, whose voice sounds....EXACTLY. LIKE. STEVE PERRY'S takes the mic at least three times over the course of the night, and if you close your eyes, you're at the greatest Journey cover band concert of all time. It's only slightly obnoxious because everyone and their mother attempts to sing Don't Stop Believing (which I highly recommend you DONT do if you're a fan of the limelight because) he WILL come in for the assist. The only reason people don't complain so much is because HE SOUNDS. EXACTLY. LIKE. STEVE PERRY.
As a fan of Irish pubs, I'm not the BIGGEST fan of this place, because frankly, you wouldn't REALLY know it's an Irish Pub unless you try to make it one. The atmosphere is a little bland, sometimes they ignore whats happening on the televisions (last night, as I listened to Journey's Greatest Cover Band, I watched an infomercial for a girdle, which isn't what you want to see when you're slightly inhebriated..which, half the time, I can't even taste the liquor) but it's probably one of the hottest spots to go, once you make it your home.
You know, there's a difference between places that are great for townies, and then great for everyone else. I feel like this falls more under the former. But still, I'd keep going. It's not a terrible place. Maybe I'm spoiled by the ACTUAL Irish accents of bartenders in the city of Boston. But, even so. I'm an elitist snob.
Pricing is moderate, waitstaff isn't anything to die for, but the place IS clean. If you're in the area, I know for a fact, you're bored enough to go (had I known about it in high school, I definitely would have). Plus, there's a back ally behind the joint you can either cry or make out in when you're really drunk, and because you're in Mansfield, you know you're pretty safe.

Grade B-.
Sorry, Casey...I'm not forever yours....faithfully.
But as for the near future, yeah, maybe I'll keep coming.

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